10. Test Environments

Test Environment is a required Hardware and Software Technologies to conduct testing
  • Software Technologies: Operating Systems, Browsers and Softwares
  • Hardware Technologies: Computer Machine and Computer Peripherals
Compatibility Testing is  performed to verify whether a software is compatible with all other supported software and hardware. This is also know as Configuration Testing.

1. Operating Systems:

An operating system (OS) is software, consisting of programs and data, that runs on computers and manages computer hardware resources and provides common services for efficient execution of various application software.

The three most used Operating Systems in Software Testing are:

  1. Microsoft Windows Opearting Systems
  2. Linux Operating Systems
  3. Mac Operating Systems
Question: What is the reason for more usage of the above Operating Systems in Testing?

Answer: Huge Market ( i.e. Most Users in the world use the above three Operating Systems)

2.  Browsers:

A web browser is a software application used to browse URLs posted on the World Wide Web. It acts as an interface between the Internet User and World Wide Web.

Most Used Browsers in Testing:
  • Priority1: Internet Explorer 8.0 & 7.0 
  • Priority2: Moziall Fire Fox Latest Version
  • Priority3: Google Chrome Latest Version
  • Priority4: Safari Latest Version
 Less Used Browsers in Testing:
  • Netscape Latest Version
  • Opera Latest Version

3. Softwares:

Pre-requisite softwares: Some softwares (to be tested) requires other pre-requisite software to be installed in the System. So a test environment different by the type of  installed 'pre-requisite software'.

For Example:- A product integrates with Microsoft Office. So inorder to test the product we've to installl Microsoft Office prior to product installation. But we've many versions and service packs in MS Office. So test environment with Office 2003 installed is different from the Test Environment which has Office 2007 installed. Even the Test Environment with MS Office 2003 Service Pack1 is different from the Test Environmnet with MS Office 2003 Service Pack2.

Conclusion: So Test Environments can be classified whith pre-requisite softwares

Other Generally Required Pre-requisite Softwares: .Net 2.0, .Net 3.0, etc..

4. Computer Machines:

Computer Machines also plays a major role in classifying the test environments.

Example:- A Dell Vostro Machine with 4 GB RAM and 2.20 GHz is asked by a Client to check the Performance of a Web Application. But the tester has tested on Dell Inspiron with 3 GB Ram and 2 GHz. So the Performance Results submitted by Tester are wrong due to wrong test machine environment.

In the above example computer machine is changed by three aspects:
  • Inspiron Model instead of Vostro Model
  • 3 GB Ram used instead of 4GB Ram
  • 2 GHz processor speed used instead of 2.2 GHz
Hence the performance results went wrong due to wrong test environment.

5. Computer Peripherels:

Computer Peripherels are the devices which connect to the Computer.

How does the Computer Peripherels relate to Test Environments?

Answer: I will explian this by an example. You have recently buyed a Sony Ericson Mobile which has all features in it. At the same time your brother/sister also buyed Sony Ericson Mobile which is not your model. Now you two want to buy a software which can be installed in your Computer and can manage all the contacts, songs etc in your mobile phones.

So before you buy this sofware there is a requirement for testing the software to check whether it works for your mobile and at the same time your brother/sisters mobile.

Test Enviroment One: Your Mobile Connect to [ Computer + Buyed Software]
Test Environment Two: Your Sisters Mobile Connected to [Computer + Buyed Software]

So here Your Mobile and Your Sisters Mobile are the different Computer Periphers. We've to test whehter the buyed software works for Different Mobile models [i.e. Different Test Environments]

Test Environments Categorized using Operating Systems:

1. Ownership of Operating Systems:

Ownership: The company which owns the operating system

Most Popular OS Ownerships:
  • Microsoft
  • Mac
  • Linux
Other OS Ownerships List - Click Here


Current Running Microsoft Operating Systems:
  • Windows XP OS
  • Windows Vista OS
  • Windows 7 OS
  • Windows Server 2003 OS
  • Windows Server 2008 OS
Older Microsoft Operating Systems List - Click Here


Current Running MAC Operating Systems:
  • MAC OSX 10.5 (Leapord)
  • MAC OSX 10.6 (Snow Leapord)
  • MAC OSX 10.7 (Lion) - Upcomming Version
  • MAC OSX 10.5 Server (Leapord Server)
  • MAC OSX 10.6 Server (Snow Leapord Server)
Older MAC Operating Systems List - Click Here
Older MAC Server Operating Systems List - Click Here
Oldest MAC Operating Systems List - Click Here


Linux Distribution are Unix like operating systems build on the top of Open Source Linux Kernel.

Most Popular Linux Distributions:
  • Debian
  • RPM (Redhat Packet Manager)
  • Gentoo
  • Pacman
  • Slackware
Other Linux Distributions - Click Here

2.  32 bit and 64 bit Operating Systems:

A 64 bit processor handles large amount of RAM (Random Access Memory) than a 32 bit processor. Larget amount of RAM (= and > than 4 GB) is required to identify the beneifits of 64 bit over 32 bit [As 64 bit can handle large amount of Random Access Memory]

32 bit Operating System - An Operating System which works on a 32 bit Processor Machine is called as 32 bit Operating System

64 bit Operating System - An Operating System which works on a 64 bit Processor Machine is called as 64 bit Operating System

  • Windows XP 32 bit Operating System
  • Windows XP 64 bit Operating System
3. Client Operating Systems and Server Operating Systems:

Client Machine - Makes a service request to the Server Machine
Server Machine - Fulfills the request made by Client Machine

The operating system designed for the Client Type Machine is called as Client Operating System and the operating system designed for the Server Type Machine is called as Server Operating System

  • Windows XP  - Client Operating System
  • Windows 2003 - Server Operating System
4.  Opeating Systems in Different Languages:

Globalization testing is performed to verify whether the application works in all supported languages

Localization testing is performed to test whether the application works in a particular language

So language of the Operating System plays a major role in classifying the test environments.

Example:- Chinese Windows XP Test Environment is different from English Windows XP Test Environment

 5.  Operating Systems in Different Languages:

Globalization testing is performed to verify whether the application works in all supported languages

Localization testing is performed to test whether the application works in a particular language

So language of the Operating System plays a major role in classifying the test environments.

Example:- Chinese Windows XP Test Environment is different from English Windows XP Test Environment

6.  GUI of the Operating Systems:

GUI - Graphical User Interface of an Operating System.

All the windows and mac operating system have single GUI. So these environments can't be classified by GUI.

But some of the Linux Distributions have the Flexibility to choose a GUI  from more than one GUI.

Example:- Linux Ubuntu OS
  • Linux Ubuntu - Gnome GUI(default GUI)
  • Linux Ubuntu - KDE GUI
  • Linux Ubuntu - XFCE GUI
The software behaves differently with different GUI. So Linux Ubuntu Gnome GUI Test Environment is different from Linux Ubuntu KDE GUI Test Environment.

7.   Operating Systems with different Service Packs:

Service Packs - Operating System may be released with few issues. Developers release the fixes for this issues as Updates after some duration. These Updates are bundled and released as Service Packs i.e. Service Pack1, Service Pack2 and so on.

  • Windows XP Service Pack1
  • Windows XP Service Pack2
  • Windows XP Service Pack3
So the Software behaves differently in OS Service Pack1 and OS Service Pack2 environments. As a result Test Enviroments differes by OS Service Packs.

8.  Different Editions of the Operating Systems:

Editions - Different editions of the same operating system are created for different User Types (i.e. Home User, Business User etc)

Example1: Windows XP
  • Windows XP Home Edition - This edition is designed for Home Users
  • Windows XP Professional Edition - This edition is designed for Business Professionals
Example2: Windows Vista
  • Windows Vista Home Basic - This edtion is designed for Home Users. This edition only provides basic needs of a Home User.
  • Windows Vista Home Premium - This edition is designed for Home Users. This edition provides complete needs of a Home User.
  • Windows Vista Business - This edition is designed for Business Professionals.
  • Windows Vista Ultimate - This edition is the combination of Home Premium and Business Editions. This is designed for both Home and Business Users.
Example3: Windows 7
  • Windows 7 Starter - This edtion is designed for Home Users. This edition contains fewest features.
  • Windows 7 Home Basic - This edtion is designed for Home Users. This edition only provides basic needs of a Home User.
  • Windows 7 Home Premium - This edition is designed for Home Users. This edition provides complete needs of a Home User.
  • Windows 7 Business - This edition is designed for Business Professionals. This edtion can be sold to an individual who owns a small Business.
  • Windows 7 Enterpirse - This edition is designed for Business Professionals. This edition is sold in with volume of licenses to Organizations by reducing cost.
  • Windows 7 Ultimate - This edition is the combination of Home Premium and Business Editions. This is designed for both Home and Business Users.
So a software will behave differently in different editions of the same operating system. So the Windows XP Home Edition Test Environment is different from the Windows XP Professional Edtion Test Environment.

9.  Different User Roles of the Operating Systems:

User Roles are nothing but the Operating System Users divided according to the privileges they have.
  • Admin User - Administrator has full control on the Operating System [Like Installing Softwares, changing OS Settings etc]
  • Normal User - Normal User has no control on the Operating System [Can't Install or Uninstall Software but can use the Software]
  • Guest User - Created for the Users having no account on the Operating System. Guest User dont have control on the Operating System [Can't Install or Uninstall Software but can use the Software]
Testing the Software or Product in Admin User Environment is different from the testing in Normal User Environment.

Example1: A Software works sucessfully when Logged in as Admin User but dont work in Normal User.
Example2: On installing the Software by Logging in as Admin User, it gets installed only in Admin User but doesn't install in Normal User.

So we've to test the Software in both Admin, Normal and Guest Environments.

10.  Different Hardware Operating System Editions:

Hardware OS Editions - Operating Systems are designed according to the Harward Devices which are going to use it.

  • Desktop Edtion - Windows XP designed for Desktop Computers
  • Netbook Edtion - Windows XP designed for a Netbook
  • Tablet PC Edition - Windows XP designed for a Table PC
  • Mobile Edition - Windows XP designed for a Mobile Phone
So testing a software or web application on Desktop OS Edition Test Environment is different from the Netbook OS Edition Test Environment.

In this ways there will be hundreds of test environments. We've to choose the correct test environment based on the client requirements.

'Virtual Testing' concept will be explained in the next post.